Hello crafters!
The 2012 Holiday Hit List is now officially less than a month away! We have been getting applications from so many of your favorite sellers for this year's show. We will making our first round of vendor selections in the next few days. It is very exciting!
At this time we want to open up our show to new crafters who may not have participated in one of our shows. What do you need to do to be considered?
1. Sign up for our vendor newsletter. This is a must! We will be re-sending out the link to the vendor application in email format as soon as Monday, and the only way you will get it is to be on our vendor list. You can sign up for the vendor newsletter here: http://sandiegonorthparkcraftmafia.com/
2. Have a resale license/certificate. You can read more about that here: http://www.boe.ca.gov/info/reg.htm
3. Have pictures of a website ready for review. We want to see what you plan to sell! (Special note- at this time we are unable to accept vendors who sell food products. If you have any questions regarding this, please email us from our website).
4. Fill out the application and pay the fee. We require payment before you are officially accepted to our show. In the case that you are not accepted, you may expect a refund.
That's it! Pretty simple really. Another special note- due to the amount of jewelry applications we receive we have to limit the number of jewelry vendors we accept. If your jewelry is different/unique/fabulous/and or just different from the norm, we'd love to see it!
We hope to be hearing from some of you soon!
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