Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sunday, Crafty Sunday - Mother's Day Gift Bazaar! Vendors - Apply Now!
Sunday, Crafty Sunday Gift Bazaar
April 25, 2010
noon - 5 pm
3925 Ohio St. - 92104
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Vendor Opportunity for St. Patrick's Day!
Listen, Taste, Touch & See - A St. Patrick's Evening Arts & Crafts Fair! March 13, 2010 4pm-9pm.
This will be a cozy indoor event in Anaheim that will be showcasing local crafters, artists, bakers, music and overall creative minds. We are super excited and hope you'll want to participate in this fun evening of handmade goods, eats, beats and treats!
Our warehouse isn't huge, therefore spacing is limited so if your products can be displayed on a smaller table than the normal 6ft x 3ft that would be great and allow for more possible vendors, if not we currently have room for the standard table.
Vendor participation is $35 dollars, this fee is DUE Thursday, 3/4/2010. If you are interested in participating or would like further information, please send an email to l.t.t.s.events@gmail.com
Please include your Name, Phone Number, Email Address, What you are selling ( In general. art, knit stuff, baked goods, your right arm, whatever ), and if you need a big or small set up.
Check out the Craft Fair Facebook! ---> http://www.facebook.com/ListenTasteTouchSee#%21/pages/Placentia-CA/Listen-Taste-Touch-See/325158390568?ref=ts